Small Talk Inc. - New Designs

These are some of the new designs that i have done for Small Talk Inc. for Breast Cancer Awareness. they are a lil unfinished so yeah, didnt make them super slick and sweet. i had some fun doing these and creating some unique characters. really hard trying to make the cancer character appealing looking at least. shirt models/images of Design By Humans.

Rip the Runway

woot. my friend Jae and his crew posted a video on their blog on the Rip the Runway Fashion show that my shirts where being displayed/shown off at that i also attended at. it happened on Oct 1st and i must say, it was a great experience to be present in. my emotions through the whole thing was just numb cause i didnt know how to react, didnt know what to say or do etc etc etc. but still was fun. :) the link below is to STinc's blog with the video.

Update and Practice

well, i might of scored a sweet animation gig from Philadelphia with a small group of 3 to do a kid's educational show. really hope that it would turns out great since my job turned into part time now, so its not going to pay for my monthly bills. also got an interview to do with Small Talk Inc. just talking about who am i, what i do etc etc that will get post on their site and will get a copy for my own for my own use. so need to think about what i want to get across before hand. really like working with those guys, really fun to hang around with.

other then that, i done a pic for my friend Cristobal Hoffmann, the guy who did the backgrounds on my animation, i like how it came out over all but damn does Kimahri (FF 10) have so many details. not only that, i drew his costume TWICE! bleh... also i been practicing some with Andrew "Android" Jones's style. some came up unfinished, some i have no idea where to go after, some turned just lost. i dont know... but its practice!

B96 Rip the Runway!

wow!... what an experience and exposure! to recap, i done some shirt designs for a small company here called "Small Talk Inc" and i'm pretty happy how they all turned out except for my "Drugs are my Escape" design cause it gotten shrunken but he said when he sells them that he will correct it to the actual size. but ya, totally a great exposure, fricken loud musice/bass and over all just awesome people. below is the link to the blog @ Small Talk.